We created the Elements Page to get managing your Magento 2 store simple. The page makes it easier to create content. The page includes ready-to-use widgets and HTML snippets with predefined styles. Adding and configuring the mentioned blocks doesn't require any programming skills. Now you can simply implement them in various places on your website. The benefit of using the information of Elements Page is that the same block or widget can be reused on multiple pages. That saves you lots of time when creating and updating content.
You can use the blocks as a navigational tool. They include links to popular content of your store. Both images and a brief introduction present whatever you believe your visitors will find valuable.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique. Nam vel iaculis mauris. Sed ullamcorper tellus erat, non ultrices sem tincidunt euismod. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.
<divclass="image-block left element"><divclass="info"><pclass="label">New</p><h2class="heading">Adventure Starts Now</h2><pclass="text">
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique. Nam vel iaculis mauris. Sed ullamcorper tellus erat, non ultrices sem tincidunt euismod. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.
</p><ahref=""class="action primary"><span>Shop Now</span></a></div><divclass="picture"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/banner-image-left.png"}}"alt=""/></div></div>
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique. Nam vel iaculis mauris. Sed ullamcorper tellus erat, non ultrices sem tincidunt euismod. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.
<divclass="element image-block right"><divclass="info"><pclass="label">New</p><h2class="heading">Adventure Starts Now</h2><pclass="text">
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique. Nam vel iaculis mauris. Sed ullamcorper tellus erat, non ultrices sem tincidunt euismod. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.
</p><ahref=""class="action primary"><span>Shop Now</span></a></div><divclass="picture"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/banner-image-right.png"}}"alt=""/></div></div>
Divider with Background and Title
With the block code, you can add the dividers as section background images. The dividers bring a little originality to a web page. Plus, the image can present links to the important content of your store.
<divclass="element background-divider a-center"><imgsrc="{{media url='wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/nike-collection.png'}}"alt="Nike Collection"/><divclass="content"><divclass="block-title"><strongrole="heading"aria-level="3">New Nike Collection</strong><pclass="subtitle">Three-piece toe construction for classic tennis support and performance.</p></div><ahref="{{store direct_url=''}}"title="Shop Now"class="action primary"><span>Shop Now</span></a></div></div>
Text Blocks with Small Icons
The blocks have an informative role to play. A piece of important content along with memorable icons will help you to communicate with your customers who speak multiple languages. The blocks with icons compact information into one easily recognizable symbol. Within a text block, you can add custom-designed icons too.
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.
Donec rutrum congue
Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.
Donec rutrum congue
Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.
Donec rutrum congue
Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.
Donec rutrum congue
Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.
Donec rutrum congue
Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.
Donec rutrum congue
Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt.
<divclass="element icon-text-small"><divclass="description"><h2class="heading argento-force-title"><strongrole="heading"aria-level="3">Stylish interiors for everyone</strong></h2><pclass="text">In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis tristique.</p></div><divclass="icons"><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/icons/icon-check.svg"}}"alt=""/></div><divclass="info"><h4class="title">Donec rutrum congue</h4><divclass="text">Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. </div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/icons/icon-location.svg"}}"alt=""/></div><divclass="info"><h4class="title">Donec rutrum congue</h4><divclass="text">Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. </div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/icons/icon-heart.svg"}}"alt=""/></div><divclass="info"><h4class="title">Donec rutrum congue</h4><divclass="text">Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. </div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/icons/icon-tags.svg"}}"alt=""/></div><divclass="info"><h4class="title">Donec rutrum congue</h4><divclass="text">Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. </div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/icons/icon-money.svg"}}"alt=""/></div><divclass="info"><h4class="title">Donec rutrum congue</h4><divclass="text">Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. </div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/icons/icon-sale.svg"}}"alt=""/></div><divclass="info"><h4class="title">Donec rutrum congue</h4><divclass="text">Donec rutrum congue leo eget malesuada. Nulla porttitor accumsan tincidunt. </div></div></div></div></div>
Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.
Money Back
Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.
Fast Delivery
Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.
<divclass="element icon-text-big"><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><iclass="force-icon force-icon-bigger force-shield"></i></div><divclass="info"><h3class="title">Secure Payments</h3><divclass="text">Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.</div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><iclass="force-icon force-icon-bigger force-100percent"></i></div><divclass="info"><h3class="title">Money Back</h3><divclass="text">Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.</div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><iclass="force-icon force-icon-bigger force-delivery"></i></div><divclass="info"><h3class="title">Fast Delivery</h3><divclass="text">Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.</div></div></div></div>
Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.
Money Back
Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.
Fast Delivery
Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.
<divclass="element icon-text-top"><divclass="block-title"><strongrole="heading"aria-level="2">Explore our store</strong></div><divclass="content"><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><iclass="force-icon force-icon-bigger force-shield"></i></div><divclass="info"><h3class="title">Secure Payments</h3><divclass="text">Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.</div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><iclass="force-icon force-icon-bigger force-100percent"></i></div><divclass="info"><h3class="title">Money Back</h3><divclass="text">Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.</div></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="icon"><iclass="force-icon force-icon-bigger force-delivery"></i></div><divclass="info"><h3class="title">Fast Delivery</h3><divclass="text">Order online, avoid the shipping costs, and collect your items from any of our 56 stores nationwide, whenever and wherever is most convenient for you.</div></div></div></div></div>
Logos Slider
The Logos Slider is perfect for displaying a list of brands available in your store. You can also use it to show your partner or client logos. With the block code, you can add your slider to your site quickly and easily. Made using Easy Slider module widget.
<divclass="block block-carousel element brands-slider"><divclass="block-title argento-force-title"><strongrole="heading"aria-level="3">Brands</strong></div><divclass="block-content">
{{widget type="Swissup\EasySlide\Block\Slider" identifier="argento_force_brands"}}
Product with Short Information
The block/widget enables you to display a short description of the product on a category, other product listing pages, and product page. Using block/widget you will easily show the main information of your product briefly to arouse interest. Built with Highlight module widget.
The block displays products in a product grid. It shows 4 products per row on the desktop and 2 per row on mobile. You can select a list of products manually. You can expand the grid with columns, custom text, labels. Built with Highlight module widget.
The widget allows you to show the attractive product slider on your site. You can add a carousel to posts, pages, sidebars. This is a great way to showcase your products and increase conversions. Built with Highlight module widget with ajax carousel enabled.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet lig
Angie Smith
Head Designer
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet lig
Alice Richardson
Head Designer
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet lig
<divclass="element bio"><divclass="item"><divclass="wrapper"><imgsrc="{{media url='wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/bio-1.png'}}"alt=""class="image"><h4class="title">Owen Hill</h4><spanclass="subtitle">Head Designer</span><pclass="info">Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet lig</p></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="wrapper"><imgsrc="{{media url='wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/bio-2.png'}}"alt=""class="image"><h4class="title">Angie Smith</h4><spanclass="subtitle">Head Designer</span><pclass="info">Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet lig</p></div></div><divclass="item"><divclass="wrapper"><imgsrc="{{media url='wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/bio-3.png'}}"alt=""class="image"><h4class="title">Alice Richardson</h4><spanclass="subtitle">Head Designer</span><pclass="info">Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet lig</p></div></div></div>
Pricing Block
With the block, you can add your own custom pricing table block. It shows the price range with combinations of different prices. It shows a list of services or products included in the pricing package. You have only to choose a location where you want to add the block.
<divclass="element pricing"><divclass="block-content"><divclass="price-block"><divclass="info-top"><spanclass="title">Starter Plan</span></div><divclass="info-bottom"><divclass="price"><strongclass="amount">$40</strong><spanclass="period">/month</span></div><ulclass="conditions"><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> Complete product</li><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> year of support</li><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> Dedicated server</li><liclass="item"><strong>10</strong> Research demo</li><liclass="item"><strong>20</strong> users</li></ul><ahref=""class="action primary"><span>Get Started</span></a></div></div><divclass="price-block popular"><divclass="info-top"><spanclass="title">Business Plan</span></div><divclass="info-bottom"><divclass="price"><strongclass="amount">$60</strong><spanclass="period">/month</span></div><ulclass="conditions"><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> Complete product</li><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> year of support</li><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> Dedicated server</li><liclass="item"><strong>10</strong> Research demo</li><liclass="item"><strong>20</strong> users</li></ul><ahref=""class="action primary"><span>Get Started</span></a></div></div><divclass="price-block"><divclass="info-top"><spanclass="title">Enterprise Plan</span></div><divclass="info-bottom"><divclass="price"><strongclass="amount">$80</strong><spanclass="period">/month</span></div><ulclass="conditions"><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> Complete product</li><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> year of support</li><liclass="item"><strong>1</strong> Dedicated server</li><liclass="item"><strong>10</strong> Research demo</li><liclass="item"><strong>20</strong> users</li></ul><ahref=""class="action primary"><span>Get Started</span></a></div></div></div></div>
Image Gallery
The Image Gallery block allows you to easily add an image gallery. It can be an image only or an image with the link. That will lead customers to the important pages of your store. The element is made using Lightbox Pro module widget with masonry grid gallery layout.
<divclass="element news hero"><divclass="block-title"><strongrole="heading"aria-level="2">Latest news</strong></div><divclass="content"><olclass="post-list"><liclass="item"><divclass="post-image"><ahref="#"title="News post"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/news1.jpg"}}"alt="Post Link"></a></div><divclass="post-content"><spanclass="post-tag">Trends</span><h2><ahref="#"title="New Collection">New Collection</a></h2><divclass="short-description">Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet temporibus laborum id saepe esse repudiandae</div><ahref="#"class="read-more-link">Read more</a></div></li><liclass="item"><divclass="post-image"><ahref="#"title="News post"><imgsrc="{{media url="wysiwyg/elements/argento/force/news2.jpg"}}"alt="Post Link"></a></div><divclass="post-content"><spanclass="post-tag">Trends</span><h2><ahref="#"title="New Collection">New Collection</a></h2><divclass="short-description">Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet temporibus laborum id saepe esse repudiandae</div><ahref="#"class="read-more-link">Read more</a></div></li></ol></div></div>
The Testimonials widget allows you to add testimonials anywhere on your website. Using it you can embed customer testimonial slider into your store pages in a few clicks.
Wir verwenden notwendige Cookies, damit unsere Website funktioniert. Wir möchten auch optionale Cookies setzen, die uns helfen, es zu verbessern.
Wir setzen keine optionalen Cookies, es sei denn, Sie aktivieren sie.
Durch die Verwendung dieses Tools wird ein Cookie auf Ihrem Gerät gesetzt, um Ihre Präferenzen zu speichern.
I cookie necessari abilitano funzionalità di base come sicurezza, gestione della rete e accessibilità. È possibile disabilitarli modificando le impostazioni del browser, ma ciò potrebbe influire sul funzionamento del sito Web.
Preserves the visitor's session state across page requests.
Protects visitor's data from Cross-Site Request Forgery Attacks.
Stores the Order ID that guest shoppers use to retrieve their order status. Used in “Orders and Returns” widgets.
Preserves the destination page the customer was loading before being directed to log in.
Stores banner content locally to improve performance.
The value of this cookie triggers the cleanup of local cache storage.
Local storage of visitor-specific content that enables ecommerce functions.
Forces local storage of specific content sections that should be invalidated.
Tracks error messages and other notifications that are shown to the user, such as the cookie consent message, and various error messages. The message is deleted from the cookie after it is shown to the shopper.
Appends a random, unique number and time to pages with customer content to prevent them from being cached on the server.
Stores customer-specific information related to shopper-initiated actions such as display wish list, checkout information, etc.
user_allowed_save_cookie, cookie_consent
Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain.
Configuration setting that improves performance when using Varnish static content caching.
Preference cookies are used to store settings and information that changes the website look and functionality.
Remembers the user's selected language version of a website.
I cookie di marketing ci aiutano a fornire ai nostri visitatori contenuti pertinenti, cronologia di navigazione e consigli sui prodotti.
Stores configuration for product data related to Recently Viewed / Compared Products.
Stores product IDs of recently compared products.
Stores product IDs of previously compared products for easy navigation.
Stores product IDs of recently viewed products for easy navigation.
Stores product IDs of recently previously viewed products for easy navigation.
I cookie pubblicitari ci aiutano a fornire ai nostri visitatori annunci e campagne di marketing pertinenti.
Preserves the visitor's preferences and stats regarding shown popup blocks.
Pubblico simile di Facebook (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited) è un servizio di advertising e di targeting comportamentale fornito da Meta Platforms Ireland Limited che utilizza i Dati raccolti attraverso il servizio Pubblico personalizzato di Facebook al fine di mostrare annunci pubblicitari a Utenti con comportamenti simili a Utenti che sono già in una lista di Pubblico personalizzato sulla base del loro precedente utilizzo di shop.quadernodiviaggio.com/ o della loro interazione con contenuti rilevanti attraverso le applicazioni e i servizi di Facebook.
Sulla base di questi Dati, gli annunci personalizzati saranno mostrati agli Utenti suggeriti da Pubblico simile di Facebook. Gli Utenti possono scegliere di non utilizzare i Strumenti di Tracciamento di Facebook per la personalizzazione degli annunci visitando questa pagina di opt-out .
Dati Personali trattati: Dati di utilizzo e Strumenti di Tracciamento.
Luogo del trattamento: Irlanda – Privacy Policy – Opt Out.
Contains campaign-related information for the user. Google AdWords conversion tags read this cookie if Google Analytics is linked to your AdWords account.
I cookie analitici ci aiutano a capire come i nostri visitatori interagiscono con il sito web. Ci aiuta a capire il numero di visitatori, da dove provengono i visitatori e le pagine che navigano. I cookie raccolgono questi dati e sono riportati in forma anonima.
add_to_cart, remove_from_cart
Used by Google Tag Manager. Captures the product SKU, name, price and quantity added or removed from the cart, and makes the information available for future integration by third-party scripts.
Throttles request rate when Google Analytics is deployed with Google Tag Manager.
ssupp.vid - ssupp.visits
Smartsupp (Smartsupp.com, s.r.o.)
Il Widget di Smartsupp è un servizio di interazione con la piattaforma di live chat e di registrazione delle sessioni Smartsupp, fornito da Smartsupp.com, s.r.o.
Dati Personali trattati: Dati comunicati durante l'utilizzo del servizio, Dati di utilizzo, Strumento di Tracciamento, varie tipologie di Dati secondo quanto specificato dalla privacy policy del servizio e Video.
Luogo del trattamento: Repubblica Ceca
Monitoraggio conversioni di Facebook Ads (pixel di Facebook) (Meta Platforms Ireland Limited) è un servizio di statistiche fornito da Meta Platforms Ireland Limited che collega i dati provenienti dal network di annunci Meta con le azioni compiute all'interno di shop.quadernodiviaggio.com/. Il pixel di Facebook monitora le conversioni che possono essere attribuite alle inserzioni di Facebook, Instagram e Audience Network.
Dati Personali trattati: Dati di utilizzo e Strumenti di Tracciamento.
Luogo del trattamento: Irlanda – Privacy Policy.
_ga, _gat, _gid, _ga_*, _gat_*
This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. They are used to collect information about how visitors use our website. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the website. The cookies collect information in a way that does not directly identify anyone.